Week Two: Comments

I commented on

Matthew Jones
"Hi Matthew. I agree with instagram being the best for personal use. I believe that's one of the main reason it's so popular today. Having a target market geared toward the younger generation could be really beneficial to advertise on both Instagram and Facebook. I look at as more kids will get to see skateboard on instagram but its their parents on Facebook who be buying them."

Hailey Raynor
"Hi Hailey. Twitter is a social media I didn't think of. I've gotten the attention of Netflix when I had my concerns which was great. Twitter businesses have great interactions with their consumers. I'll keep that in mind next time. I also completely agree with the usefulness Facebook can provide."

Slade J
"Hi Slade. I agree with using Instagram and Facebook for both personal and business use. They both work well and have huge markets with the millions on each. I personally believe Facebook is better to advertise because the older  generation has money to spend on products, they'll click on links and look through website to see the product/service being offered. I believe the younger generation would look at anything unless it appealing to the eye first then maybe broke through content."


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