Week two: Post One

I believe instagram is geared toward personal use because it gives you the freedom to reach people in many different ways in however way you want. You can post anything about whatever is important to you as much as you want. People can get very candid with posts and share their life with the world.

Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn seem like the best social media platforms to promote business. Each platform offers different ways to promote a business and have large amounts of users to market towards. Each of these platforms have different kinds of people with different intentions on each platforms which ultimately depending on product/service being offered the best platform will be obvious.

LinkedIn is seem as more of a business networking social media. Many people make excellent connections on there and is more business to business. You build your profile by adding your resume and befriending people in similar fields. The goal on LinkedIn is to expand business and make business connections through marketing. LinkedIn can be personal but seems more business oriented because many people would like to keep a professional look. Instagram is more about the look of things the use of words unlike LinkedIn. Instagram is used a lot more by younger generation over 500 million between the ages 18-30. Marketing on Instagram is articulating the culture of your business, using hashtags and being consistent with posts. Instagram seems better for personal use even though Instagram still can promote a business well, there's just a better platform to do so. Facebook is great because it has affordable and affective marketing for businesses as well as be used solely for personal use. From the studies I've done Facebook is the best to advertise one's product/service because Facebook has a large market full of different demographics, users spend a lot of time on Facebook and stats also show ads market very well on Facebook at an affordable cost.


  1. I agree completely about Instagram being geared towards being more personal and LinkedIn being more business related. I like the research you put into your blog as well by showing the statistics, an interesting read!

  2. Yo have some good thoughts here. I agree that Instagram is geared towards personal use but I think it works just as well for businesses. Through Facebook, it has nice stats and tools to use to help reach the desired audience.

  3. Hey Jojo. I agree with you that each social media has tools to advertise and reach different kinds of people. I like how you talked about how you could use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for advertising and the best way to do it. You really did your research. Great job!


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