Week Three: Post one

Not so long ago I wanted to cancel an insurance plan. Their agenda is for me not cancel my plan. That phone call for me was very annoying because they constantly tried to re-sell to me. I had to stand very firm in my decision to cancel. What I thought would be a five minute phone call turned into a 30 minute long conversation of me saying over and over I just wanted to cancel my plan nothing else. I think I see it as a positive because I didn't let convince me to stay.

Social media has created so many platforms to contact businesses instead just through email or a phone call. Social media was created to bridge a gap between business and customer. Businesses go on to social media to interact with their communities. Businesses hire people for social media to create content, interact with customers and advertise to expand business. Customers on instagram can  direct message, like posts, comment on stories, tag the business and use hashtags. Customers on twitter can retweet posts, tweet to them, comment on content, direct message and pin tweets. Other social medias can do other things as well.

Instagram has ads on your feed to market a product or service to you. I always like to read the comments because people ask questions, say concerns, explain disappointments and some say positive things. I'll look to see if the business responds to any comments or if they only respond to the positive. If I had a social media business I'd answer people's questions, calm concerns, find solutions for disappointments and give thanks to positive reviews.  


  1. Hey Jojo. I had the same experience when I was canceling my car insurance. It was probably the most annoying phone call I've ever had to make. You stayed strong and didn't give into them even though they really wanted you to. I agree with you that social media has made it easier for businesses and customers to connect. It really has made it better to get in contact with a business when you have questions or comments.


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