Week three: Post 2

Trilogy Products
Cruelty-free skin that works
International business
Trilogy products uses instagram to promote business. They do have a link to their website but also can be found through a google search. The link to the website shows you a blog post which seems fairly new. Their last post was posted a day ago. They have 37.8k followers. Trilogy seems to be doing well on social media. They post about three times a week and respond back to a few comments. 
Acure Beauty 
Vegan skincare line all about skin wellness
Acure uses instagram to promote business. Acure has a link in their bio that goes to their website opening up a page showing their newest skincare line. Their last post was 14 hours ago. They post around four times a week. They have 205k followers. Acure is doing great. They are very interactive with customers, have colorful posts and  have a wide range of products. 
A people-powered beauty ecosystem that is skincare first and make-up second
Glossier uses instagram to promote business. Glossier has a link in their bio which leads to their website showing all their products. Their last post was a day ago. They at least once a day if not multiple times a day. They have 2.6 million followers. Glossier is well known and is doing excellent on social media. The culture of their business shows up in their posts. Their instagram shows exactly what they stand for. 
Cleen Beauty 
Inexpensive skincare that is clean and effective. 
Cleen uses instagram to promote business. Cleen has a link in their bio that leads to their website. The link isn’t on a specific page. Their last post was 13 hours ago. They post dailey. They have 11.5k followers. As a business building up they are consistent with posting, promoting products and interacting with as many people as they can.  
True Botanicals
Skincare with natural ingredients
True botanicals uses instagram to promote business. True botanicals have a link in their bio that leads to posts to click on depending on what product you want. Their last post was eight hours ago. They seem to post a few times a week. They have 159k followers. True Botanical has a lot of celebrity support. They show that clean skincare matches a clean environment. They are doing well.

Looking through the social media of all these skincare businesses I learned that there’s so much out there. Even with narrowing general category with companies that only use clean and natural products. Each business uses social media in similar ways. They all use hashtags, post multiple times a week, interact with customers and sell products on instagram. They all may use it in a similar way  and have a similar purpose but what makes each different from one another is their product and how they sell their product. 

Viewing their instagrams and websites they’re all unique. Each company has a different target market under the general umbrella of natural product skincare. Cleen beauty is all about being close and affordable while being clean. True Botanical is about quality above all else. Their products target a different group of people than Cleen. Both companies are making an impact in the skincare world. There’s room for both in the market. 

Blogs I commented on:
Hailey Raynor
Slade J
Janae Vigil  


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