Week four: Post 2

Post Two

The two websites I frequent the most are Google(https://www.google.com/?client=safari) and Youtube(https://www.youtube.com). One of the reasons both Google and Youtube are so successful is that they market it to all ages. Also they have so much variety that makes them so effective. Google gets 2 trillion searches a year. Youtube has 1.3 billion users. These websites are world known. 

Google is very clean and organized. Google is very direct because of how simple and easy it is to use. Anyone can search anything. Google offers so much more than a search engine. I write papers on google, fill in my calendar, save photos and more. Youtube lays out videos for you to watch. Videos are separated into sections depending on the topic. The videos on youtube have taught me new skills, made me laugh, and opened me up to new things. 

Both Google and Youtube are great for many reasons. I have little to no critiques on both. When using the search engine on Google it would be best to organize the websites by most accurate information instead of most viewed/popular. Youtube should limit the amount of ads put on videos. Some people put a large amount of ads in their videos to the point where it becomes ridiculous. 



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