Week four: Post 1

The two websites I believe need improvement are http://gatesnfences.com/ and http://www.pennyjuice.com/. Starting with Penny Juice first they should change the look of their website. There's a way to be eye-catching but pleasant to the eye. I felt overwhelming looking at the bright colors on site because they clash. Fixing the look of the site should be first. The next two things they should do is add a mission statement, why they choose to help children, where the money is going and more about them(the owners). There’s so much information about the juice but nothing about the business itself. For the second website Gate N’ Fences needs a major make-over. The first look of the website I was overwhelmed with the amount of content. You don’t know how to navigate the website from there. The site needs to be reorganized and redesigned to fix things. For example their business name isn’t front and center. I had to look for the business name. Both websites needed to fix their look. Technology is getting greater and more necessary for business. The look alone from first glance will decide whether a customer will continue or not viewing your website. Penny juice needs more on their site because it shows the purpose for their business which people will respond well to. What makes them different? What makes them better? Who are they? Why did they start their business? Gates N’ Fences was the opposite. They need a ‘more is less’ approach. A simple straight-forward explanation is what people want. Those improvements will make their online business better.

The two websites I believe are doing things in the correct approach are https://www.apple.com and https://www.toyota.com . Apple’s website is clean and organized. The first page markets its newest products. Their pictures are large and show how the device works. It's easy to navigate throughout the site. The site makes me feel calm at ease because I can both browse and directly find what I am looking for. Toyota’s website has a great layout. Everything blends together to make a site for everyone. Shows different models of cars for all types of people. The prices are out in the open. All the details are there so you don’t have to look for them. Toyota had a lot of information but their site wasn’t cluttered. The site peaked my interest and made me feel curious to what they had to offer. 


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